Page 13 - C.A.L.L. #36 - Summer 2013
P. 13


             only the 68’ haircut remains) has begun researching the fascinating topic “How much
             Community does a human being need?” Now is it possible that Janel Healy of Twin Oaks
             possesses some kind of telepathic affinity to Ludwig Weimer of KIG? The fact is that her
             piece in Communities #152 - Fall 2011, carries a somewhat unusual caption that befits the
             debate and provides as good an answer as you would expect from such an unusual

             Balancing act: How much are you willing to share?

             I think it’s safe to say that you are an           your “unit” afloat financially. You may not
             idealistic person. As a supporter of               have much leeway in terms of choosing a
             Communities, you’ve probably thought long          job that fits in with your values, nor time
             and hard about how to live a life that’s           to volunteer or money to donate. But when
             more just – and just better – and it looks         your economic unit is say, 25 people
             like you’ve come to the conclusion that            (Acorn’s current population), the group has
             living communally may be the answer.               more resources, time, and skills to put
             But how “communal” do you have to get              towards endeavors its members believe in.
             before you’re truly living according to the        And when your economic unit is nearly
             ideals of Right Livelihood?                        100…well, take it from Twin Oaks – you can
             Ask this question to someone who’s living in       pool your resources so efficiently as to live
             an income-sharing community, and the               on about $5,000 per person per year.
             answer may sound a bit extreme. At                 Those who are sick, elderly, or otherwise
             neighbouring egalitarian communities Twin          unable to fully pull their weight can be
             Oaks and Acorn, located in rural central           supported by the dozens of members who
             Virginia, all the “big stuff” is cooperatively     can, and the group has even more freedom
             owned – from houses and cars to bank               to decide how to invest its money, time,
             accounts and businesses. For some of               and resources positively.
             these communes’ members, environmental             However, even though income sharing can
             concerns are motivation enough to share            be a successful way to band together to
             almost everything. Valerie, who’s been             provide a secure and moral livelihood for a
             living at Twin Oaks for two decades,               group, it’s not easy. In fact, as a relatively
             believes, “Anyone who wanted to be living          new member, I must say that adjusting to
             according to the Right Livelihood would            life at Twin Oaks is still an ongoing
             share cars. It’s much less of a footprint on       challenge. It’s been difficult getting used
             the earth.” For others, such as Tom from           to having little financial autonomy. I feel
             Twin Oaks, it’s all about the worker-owned         frustrated that public possessions at Twin
             business. “Income sharing itself is right          Oaks can get trashed easily – people tend
             livelihood,” he asserts. “We don’t have an         to forget about the personal responsibility
             ownership class, so we’re not working hard         that comes with collective ownership. And
             to make others rich. Here, workers are             I can’t help but feel uneasy that folks who
             managers – not just tools for producing            aren’t working as efficiently as they could
             capital.”                                          be are getting the same amount of “labor
             When it comes to supporting good causes,           credits” as those who are.
             income sharing is a testament to “power in         I also sometimes find myself wondering
             numbers.” If your economic unit is two             what more I could be doing for the world.
             people, your chief concern may be keeping          Am I living as closely to the notion of

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