Page 12 - C.A.L.L. #36 - Summer 2013
P. 12


             community in California, an urban                  them outside the United States. On the
             cooperative in Hawai’i, and a shared               other hand, the Bruderhof communities
             household in New Jersey.                           don’t provide any numbers at all, and that

                                                                group of communities, with a membership
             Another bit of evidence for community-             thought to be in the low thousands, has
             mindedness is the traffic on the                   enough members that its numbers alone
             Fellowship for Intentional Community               would have quite an impact on any total
             website. As of October 2010, that site             figure. And the most important skewing
             attracted about 66,500 hits per month, or          factor of all is that huge numbers of
             about 2,200 a day, with 6.5 page views per         communities choose not to be listed in the
             visit, and the numbers for 2010 were up 11         directory.
             percent over 2009. While not everyone
             visiting the site is in the market for             So I took another path toward trying to
             community, surely the numbers reflect to           make an estimate. The Catholic religious
             some degree interest in intentional                communities keep pretty careful track of
             communities - if not living in one, at least       their numbers; in 2007 they reported
             wishing.                                           13,428 priests, 60,715 sisters, and 4,904
                                                                brothers, for a total communal population
             The Hard Numbers                                   of 79,048. [Source:
             For all of the interest there seems to be
             in intentional communities, however, the           church-statistics.shtml (4/22/2010)]
             number of persons actually living in               There are two other groups of
             intentional communities is tiny - a very           communities with five-figure populations,
             small fraction of 1 percent of the                 the Mormon fundamentalists, who are
             population. Counting the number of active          thought to have perhaps 30,000 communal
             communitarians is a daunting task, to say          members, and the Hutterites, who have
             the least, but the numbers are not large.          around 15,000 in the United States. So
                                                                that puts us at around 125,000
             I decided I would count up the population          communitarians. Now, here is the wildest
             of the hundreds of American communities            guess of all: I’m going to conjecture that
             in the 2007 edition of the Communities             there are 5,000 other intentional
             Directory (the new 2010 directory was not          communities averaging 10 members apiece,
             yet out when I did my counting, but I don’t        which would be another 50,000. Add that
             think the results there would be very              to the 125,000 we already have, and, just
             different) and in round numbers that               to be cautious, let’s report the total as a
             would come to something like 10,000 adults         range: 150,000 to 200,000.
             living in communities of five or more
             members each in the United States. But             The point of all this guesswork is to say
             there are so many problems with the                that not a lot of people live communally.
             numbers that getting within even a couple          Given an American population of over 300
             of orders of magnitude is dubious. For             million, 150,000 is fewer than 1 in 2,000,
             example, the Adidam community lists its            less than 1/20 of 1 percent of the
             population at 1060. But that apparently            population; 200,000 is fewer than 1 in
             includes many locations, the majority of           1,500.

             Recently, I was told in strictest confidence that one of my friends at the Catholic Integrated
             Community, who goes by the name of Ludwig Weimer (an ex-hippy turned Catholic priest,

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