Page 2 - C.A.L.L. #36 - Summer 2013
P. 2

Dear Readers,
            By the time you are  reading these
            words, I’m likely to be already rubbing
            shoulders with  community scholars                                   3
            and members of communities from all                                  In Memorium: Joseph
            over the world at the 11   ICSA                                      Ben-Eliezer
            conference taking place at the
            Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland.                                     8
                                                                                 Israel's kibbutz
            The International Communal Studies                                   movement makes a
            Association has close ties with the                                  comeback
            International    Communes      Desk,
            boasting mutual members, whilst  it’s no coincidence that  the       10
            headquarters of both organisations  are  situated  in  Yad Tabenkin
            near Tel Aviv.                                                       Findhorn at Fifty, UK

            I’m excited and honoured to be representing  the Desk, and           11
            specifically the Israeli communal scene, and am looking forward to   Kaleidoscope
            re-engaging with old friends, whilst hoping to establish new
            contacts worldwide.                                                  16
                                                                                 Kibbutzim in Africa?
            As you have surely noticed, to celebrate this International
            Communities Fest, we have put together a bumper issue of C.A.L.L.,
            with no less than 8 pages more than usual. I hope you’ll agree that   17
            the material here  is too good to be cut, lurking in the virtual     Visit to Twin Oaks,
            recesses of my computer, never to see the light of day again.        USA

            In relation to the conference, we have an article by the current     20
            President of ICSA, Jan Bang, about his time living on kibbutz in the   Kibbutz Shorts
            1980’s and 90’s. We also have a piece on the community hosting
            the event, Findhorn, which celebrates its 50  year of existence.
            Elsewhere, we visit communities in Germany, the USA and Latvia,      International Communes
            and hear about initiatives to build new communities in Africa.       Desk Study Group

            I’d also like to mention the texts from the ICD Study Group. For the   27
            past year we have been discussing ideas such as human nature and
            community, equal human worth, faith and being emissaries in the      Kristian David School,
            wider society. Hopefully, by sharing the texts we used as a basis    Latvia
            for our conversations, you, our readers, will be inspired to join us
            in this stimulating dialogue. Thoughts and responses please.         29
                                                                                 Kommurage, Intercom
            And finally,  I’m also celebrating my own little milestone; I have   and the Kommuja
            now been editing C.A.L.L. for a decade. I’d like to thank all those   Network, Germany
            who have supported me through this wonderful experience. A
            special mention goes to the two Yoel’s: Dorkam and Darom, who        31
            have been with me every step of the way. If this is indeed to be the
            last issue to which they contribute material, I offer my thanks for   Book Review: Inside
            all their hard  work, and wish them good  health and continued       the Ark by Yossi Katz
            involvement with us at the International Communes Desk.              & John Lehr

            You can send us your suggestions, corrections, contributions and     32
            retributions regarding C.A.L.L., to the usual email address,         Back to Kibbutz, Jan
                                                                                 Martin Bang

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