Page 35 - C.A.L.L. #46 - Summer 2020
P. 35

Whether by blind luck or truly inspired insight and guidance, prior decisions, some made very

        long ago, serve us well in this current time. We are fortunate to be located in a sparsely
        populated area with relatively low rates of outbreak and with ready access to bay, beach and
        woodland for daily outings. We have a vigorous food sustainability programme, which we are
        boosting with our gardening. But most importantly, we benefit by being held in a strong ethos
        of community spirit.

        Many of our community members are not only keeping well informed, but are active with local
        and global initiatives to slow the spread of the pandemic. There are world-workers amongst
        us who, in monitoring the pulse of what’s happening out in the world, remind us to hold
        compassionate thoughts and prayers for those without the privileges and blessings that we

        experience. Intellectual, monetary and energetic contributions are given with the hope of
        healing humanity as we navigate through these unprecedented times. Never have the ending
        words of our Whole Community Purpose document rung any truer: ‘Together we aspire to
        respond to the call of the world, to the call of our time.’

        Lorraine Rytz-Thériault
        NFA Listener Convenor

        My position with the New Findhorn Association is elected by the membership to work alongside a
        voluntary Council addressing the needs, concerns and aspirations of our community. I draw on a
        professional background comprised of Small Business Consulting and Community Development to serve
        my adopted community.

                                 Kooperative Dürnau, Germany

        We cook for everybody, then the food is driven to the different houses where we eat
        together in groups. We no longer gather in front of the dining house in order to not be seen
        to be coming together by the village. Whether the whole cooperative should actually be
        considered a “household” we probably won’t have an answer anytime soon.

        We are continuing with the joint child care, I have agreed to take care of a child of school
        age and now teach every morning.

        For our guests, we make sure that they do not come from the “risk areas” that the state of
        BaWü names on their website. If we need to, we will sign an internship contract with the

        Our operations are running without significant changes. The nursery is asking the customers
        to keep their distance and in sales we can currently only offer small quantities of hand and
        surface disinfectants because Sonett cannot keep up with the production.

        Surprisingly, we are seeing an increase in requests for visits and employment. In the last
        weeks there have been six inquiries, which is unusually high for us and surprisingly, three of
        them were doctors.

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