Page 2 - C.A.L.L. #46 - Summer 2020
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Dear Readers,
Welcome to this bumper edition of
C.A.L.L., featuring a snapshot of 3 Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage,
how communities around the USA
world are responding to the
COVID-19 pandemic. But I’m 6 Ganas, USA
getting ahead of myself. Some
background: 7 Old Hall Community, UK
On April 1 2020, I received an 8 Kibbutz Amiad, Israel
email from Michael Wuerfel from the Sieben Linden Ecovillage
in Germany. They produce the wonderful eurotopia directory 10 Kibbutz Mishol, Israel
and accompanying website, which feature European
intentional communities. He was asking all the communities 11 Twin Oaks, USA
in his database to share how they are responding to the Forgebank Cohousing, UK
corona virus.
13 Pacific Gardens, Canada,
Boekel, Netherlands
Once I’d sent him my contribution, and he’d collected a good
few responses from other communities, he sent me the 14 Bruderhof, UK
document that he had compiled. I was absolutely spellbound! Valsølillegård, Denmark
The stories, dilemmas, challenges and coping strategies were
fascinating to read, and helped me understand that we are 16 Valley of Peace, Portugal
living through an historical period, also for the communities
movement itself. 19 Tifolk, France
From that point, I was determined to continue Michael’s work, 20 Pendragon Community, UK
and transform this resource into an international document,
collecting responses from communities all around the world. I 21 Solens Hjerte, Denmark
contacted communities that I had personal contacts at, I Basisgemeinde, Germany
contacted communal scholars, community networks and AutarcaMatricultura, Spain
organisations. And as I did, the stories started rolling in. 21 Solens Hjerte, Denmark
So I’m both proud and excited to announce that you have in 23 Studentenvrijstaat
your hands the fruits of unprecedented international co- Droevendaal, Netherlands
operation between eurotopia, the Intentional Communities Bergen Ecovillage, Norway
Desk (ICD), and the Foundation for Intentional Community Tersen, Sweden
24 Amsterdam Catholic Worker,
If you are reading this from a community and you have yet to The Netherlands
send us your response, you can find the form at: Isle of Erraid, UK
27 Kirschblute, Switzerland
And even though we increased the size of this issue of C.A.L.L. Gruebisalm Farm
by a whopping eight pages to accommodate as many of your Community, Switzerland
stories as possible, there are still many more that have come
in, and will continue to come in. Therefore, we will be 29 Sulzbrunn, Germany
gradually uploading all the responses we have received onto Threshold Cohousing, UK
our website.
32 Newberry Place, USA
Hope you find the stories as fascinating as I do, GreenRise Community, USA
The Vale, USA
Anton 33 Findhorn, UK Kooperative Durnau,