Page 13 - C.A.L.L. #25 - Spring 2005
P. 13

How to present your very own Community to prospective newcomers, so as to give them an accurate impression and a basic
         understanding of what they are getting into -i.e. your/our complex, outlandish Way of Life? Lamborn Valley Community
         seem to have stumbled upon an original solution, as described by Webb Eavanson:

         Level One—Roots: Potential. This is the deepest, invisible part of the soul. It starts as a single seed, a dream, a potential. The
         seed works its way through the soil of life and circumstance, through stillness and prayer. Will it take root? When all of the
         elements come together, the answer is "Yes" and great trees will grow. The seed grows small roots, and sending its first stem up
         through the soil, is our community's inherent potential. The roots continue to grow over time, and ever more firmly anchor the
         tree in the ground.
                                                                         Level  Two—Seedling  breaking  through  the
                                                                         soil:  Manifestation.  This  is  the  community
                                                                         purpose  becoming  manifest  in  the  physical.  It  is
                                                                         the inherent idea breaking through into the light. It
                                                                         is  the  foundation,  where  we  find  the  vision  and
                                                                         mission  statements  and  where  we  honor  those
                                                                         who have created a space for our community.
                                                                         Level  Three—Trunk:  Perspective,  Decisions,
                                                                         Agreements. This is where, with all of the depth
                                                                         of our hearts, gifts, weaknesses, and struggles, we
                                                                         come together as a group. With a strong, unified
                                                                         will to grow, it grows in a single direction as one
                                                                         body.  We  come  together  to  explore  ideas  about
                                                                         our  community's  tasks  and  projects  at  Level
                                                                         Three, always in prayer and consensus.
                                                                         Level Four—-Branches: Projects. We move out
                                                                         from  the  Trunk  and  branch  into  responsibilities
                                                                         with support and encouragement from the unified
                                                                         group  at  Level  Three  (Trunk).  The  shared
                                                                         perspective of Level Three delegates, empowers,
                                                                         anoints,  and  nourishes  those  stewarding  each
                                                                         Branch  (Level  Four),  or  project,  of  the
                                                                         Level  Five—Twigs  and  Leaves:  Work,
                                                                         Activities. From this Level Four (Branch) place of
                                                                         responsibility comes the actual doing of the tasks,
                                                                         the  field  of  Action.  It's  where  everyone  in  the
                                                                         community  jumps  in  to  do  the  work,  whether
                                                                         individually  or  in  teams.  It's  the  level  of
                                                                         manifestation  and  inclusion.  The  Twigs  and
                                                                         Leaves spread out to absorb the maximum amount
                                                                         of  sunlight,  doing  the  "work"  of  photosynthesis,
                                                                         turning light into carbohydrates and growth. This
                                                                         is  what builds  the physical  substance of  the  tree
                                                                         Level Six—-Fruit: Results of our Labor. These
                                                                         are  the  Results  of  our  Work,  yielding  healthy,
         whole  individuals who  contribute  to each other,  to  the  community,  and  to  the  world by  living  meaningful lives.  It's living
         sustainably. It's raising inspired children. The Fruit shows up in many forms. Some are tangible Fruit—our people, physical
         health,  money  from  the  sale  of  goods  and  services.  Other  Fruit  is  intangible—-our  friendships  with  each  other,  love  and
         connection, our quality of life, and joy itself.
         Level Seven—Fruit returning to Earth: Appreciation, Enjoyment. This is the day of rest. It's appreciation and enjoyment,
         recreation,  or  re-creation.  It's  Fruit  ripening  and  dropping  off  the  tree,  delivering  its  DNA  blueprint  to  the  soil  and  thus
         nourishing the Roots in Level One or planting seeds of new trees. And it's the atmosphere around the Tree, rich in oxygen,
         which also nourishes the Roots.

         Our community has found that being part of a living organism, envisioned as a tree, enriches the quality of life. It helps
         us share our hearts, maintain our values, and keep growing toward the light. Just as one tree standing alone doesn't
         have the energy to change a whole ecosystem, but a forest does, one healthy community can't positively influence very
         much of the wider culture around it, but a whole network of healthy communities can affect the wider culture.

         Webb  Eavenson, 26, has  lived  in  Lamborn Valley Community  with his parents  and grandmother since  the  community  was
         founded. Planner and developer of the tree analogy for the group, Webb helps explain and manage it. You can contact him at
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