Welcome to our website!
Community Responses to COVID-19
We present here responses to a request stemming from an unprecedented international co-operation between eurotopia, the Intentional Communities Desk (ICD), and the Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC), in asking communities around the world to share how they are dealing with the challenges brought by the corona virus.
Please keep coming back to see more responses - we will be adding more to our homepage as we receive them.
Communities Directory
Thanks to the Foundation for Intentional Communities, there is an Online Communities Directory website here! This is a free searchable database of intentional communities around the world. You can browse through the alphabetical community list or search for communities based on location, keyword, and various aspects of community living that are important to community seekers.
Our supporters!
Members of the Desk
![Anton Marks](/images/2019/12/19/anton.jpg)
![Amnon Shifman](/images/2019/12/19/amnon.jpg)
![Michael Livni](/images/2020/01/21/michael.jpg)
![Elisha Tzurgil](/images/2020/01/21/elisha1.jpg)
![Moshe Hai](/images/2020/01/21/moshi.jpg)
![Gabe Freund](/images/2020/01/21/gabe.jpg)
![Yuval Etzioni](/images/2020/01/21/yuval.jpg)
![Gideon Eshel](/images/2020/01/21/gidon.jpg)
Aims of the Intentional Communities Desk include:
• To foster links with intentional communities from around the world, in order to learn about their life styles and activities, to exchange information, opinions and ideas for mutual benefit.
• To provide an address for people from all over the world, who are seeking advice and information about the kibbutz in its different aspects and about communities the world over (including help in making contact for those wishing to visit a community or join one).
• To encourage and inspire those in the Kibbutz Movement, in Israel, and the world at large, by acquainting them with the various forms of communal living that exist around the world.